October 6, 2015
NTS Brodick Castle
Brodick Castle and Country Park on the Isle of Arran, overlooks Brodick Bay and the Castle dates back to the 13th century. Today the castle & country park offer a beautiful combination of heritage, natural environment and relaxation. It's a beautiful place and is set to get even more beautiful with the designed we have just unveiled to add a whole new level of adventure play in the grounds that surround the castle.
Here are just a few of the images of what we're going to build.
Arran Wild Adventure Birds Eye View
The bridge across the river, Arran Wild Adventure at Brodick Castle
The education centre in a treehouse at Arran Wild Adventure, Brodick Castle
The huge play area at Arran Wild Adventure at Brodick Castle
Toddler play, Arran Wild Adventure at Brodick Castle, Isle of Arran
Toddler play, Arran Wild Adventure at Brodick Castle
Walking into a world of adventure and wonder at Arran Wild Adventure, Brodick Castle
Now that the project is finished, you can see the amazing adventure play area at Brodick Castle here.