December 3, 2024

Fantastic for Families Award

The Cove, The National Maritime Museum

Fantastic for Families Awards 2024 Winner

The Cove at the National Maritime Museum was already a project we are incredibly proud of. Winning a Blooloop Global Innovation Awards in the Inclusivity category was a genuine highlight for our design and build teams. To then hear from Lisa Parascandolo of Willow Dene School talk about the impact it had on the children and families we designed it for was quite breathtaking.

So, today we can announce that the Cove has just won the Audience Impact & Innovation Category in the Fantastic for Families Awards 2024.

The 26 shortlisted arts based projects represent the outstanding opportunities created for families and older people to access creative opportunities and enhance wellbeing through arts and cultural activities.

You can also find more family and age-friendly organisations near you in the Fantastic for Families Directory.


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