Statement of Environmental and Social Responsibilities

As a small design and build adventure play business operating in the UK, Europe and North America, we are deeply committed to upholding our environmental and social responsibilities. We recognise that our activities have the potential to have an impact on the environment and the communities in which we operate. We are striving to ensure that our operations contribute positively to both.

Our commitment is reflected in the following principles:

Environmental Responsibilities

Sustainable Practices: We aim to prioritise the use of sustainable materials and methods in all our projects. This includes working with our supply chain to ensure the responsible sourcing of products and materials, reducing waste, reusing existing products and recycling where practical.

Energy Efficiency: We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by implementing more energy-efficient practices across our operations. This includes the use of energy-efficient equipment within our offices and workshop, more streamlined production processes as well as championing energy-saving measures within our own team.

Waste Management: We work closely with our waste management providers to ensure we minimise the environmental impact of our activities. This involves working to reduce waste production, and ensuring that any waste produced is recycled, reused and the little that remains is disposed of responsibly and in compliance with all relevant regulations.

Striving for Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our environmental performance. This involves regularly reviewing and updating our policies, and staying informed about the latest developments in sustainable practices throughout all aspects of the business.

Social Responsibilities

Community Engagement: We aim to engage with the communities in which we operate. This includes supporting local initiatives, buying and sourcing locally where possible and ensuring our projects bring additional benefits to the local areas in which we are working.

Health and Safety: The health and safety of our employees, subcontractors, and the public are of paramount importance. We maintain rigorous health and safety standards within our offices, workshop and on-site via weekly toolbox talks and provide ongoing training to ensure a safe working environment for all.

Ethical Conduct: We conduct our business with integrity, transparency, and fairness. This includes fair treatment of employees, honest and transparent dealings with clients and suppliers, and adherence to all relevant laws and regulations.

Diversity and Inclusion: We promote a workplace culture that champions diversity and inclusion. We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees and fostering an environment where everyone is both able and encouraged to thrive.

Employee Development: We invest in the development of our employees by providing training and professional development opportunities for all at every level. We believe in nurturing talent and helping our employees to achieve their full potential.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to build not only the most incredible places to play, stay and enjoy time together, but also a sustainable and inclusive future for our team and the communities in which we live and work.

Our commitment to environmental and social responsibility is integral to our business strategy and essential to our long-term success.

Johnny Lyle signature

Johnny Lyle

Last updated 24 July 2024