December 6, 2024

One week, three wins

Orlando, London and Los Angeles

one week three wins for CAP.Co Adventure Playground design and build

In life, you generally have some good weeks and some bad weeks - hopefully more good than bad.

But, occasionally, if you are really lucky, you have an incredible week. And, boy have we just had one of those.

The first piece of news was the Fantastic for Families Award for The Cove adventure play we created with the National Maritime Museum. We are particularly proud of this work as it was easily our most inclusive work we had created to date. It was designed in collaboration with a number of groups and the incredible Willow Dene School locally, who gave us so many pointers and ideas about what would make their life easier and their play more, accessible, inclusive and fun.

The Cove also won a worldwide innovation award with blooloop, so it's great to have two external pats on the back for our work.


The second win was an award for our Adventure Play project at the Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park. The bespoke custom-made adventure playground won an outstanding achievement award at the Themed Entertainment Association’s prestigious THEA Awards, the industry’s international recognised mark of excellence. For many, it's described as the Oscar's of the theme park world.

The award which is recognised on a global scale will be presented in a ceremony in Los Angeles in March 2025.

CAP.CO are winners of the THEA AWard for the Adventure Play at Windsor Great Park

Talking about the THEA, Simon Egan said “To be chosen by such a respected panel of international judges really is a very humbling experience.

“Our passion for creating places that inspire adventurous play and get imaginations roaring into life is how this company was born. It isn’t about sitting and watching your children have a good time, our playgrounds are always designed to encourage both adults and children to play together.

"We won a THEA for BeWILDerwood back in 2009 and have been aiming to create a project again that was worthy of another one.

“With the team at Windsor, we were lucky enough to work with clients who could see the potential of creating something unique for their visitors,”

And, then to make our week complete and fulfilling the concept that good news sometimes comes in threes, we learnt that our Project Development Fella Simon Egan has been recognised as one of the Top 50 Theme Park Influencers for 2024 across the globe, by leading online attractions resource blooloop.

Simon Egan is a blooloop 50 Theme Park Influencer

The blooloop 50 has been running for a number of years and according to their own description, celebrates the work of fifty key individuals whose creativity, passion and drive has helped shape and improve the industry.

Influencers are those who impact the attractions business with their innovation and creativity. Each year their readers vote in their thousands to recognise the people they think have had the most impact in the last 12 months.

So, whilst every week at CAP.CO HQ isn't quite as good as this one, we’re definitely going to enjoy this one while it lasts, and work and play hard for more weeks like it in the future - what a wonderful week and a testament to our brilliant team!

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