CAP.CO is committed to creating an inclusive work environment based on merit, fairness and respect. We are committed to providing an inclusive work environment which encourages and welcomes diversity with a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination. Our policy is to meet and exceed the demands of the Equality Act 2010.
This policy applies to all staff who are employed by the CAP.Co and all contract staff who are contracted with the Company. It also applies to individuals with whom employees come into contract during their employment, and in particular to job applicants.
– Ensure that our staff know that they are able to work in an environment which is free from discrimination and harassment and are able to achieve their full potential in their job without distraction.
– Treat everyone fairly, with dignity and respect.
– Maintain fair and honourable dealings with our people, where recognition, reward and opportunity reflect the ability, experience and aspiration of the individual.
– Create an environment that brings the best skills to our work.
– Value individual differences and recognise the contribution of all people.
– Recruit talented people from a wide range of background and beliefs.
– Ensure full and effective participation and equal opportunities for everyone.
– Provide equal pay based on roles, responsibilities and performance.
– Increase our employee’s awareness and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion.
– Identify and address inappropriate behaviour or discrimination.
– Seek to work with clients and collaborators with due consideration that their equality, diversity and inclusiveness commitments are in line with our own.
– Measure how we perform on this and act to address any barriers.
– All our employees must be aware of this Policy and should always abide by its terms, including in their dealing with clients and other employees.